Highlights from 'Contact' magazine - July/August 2004

Malawi Trip

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of spending some time in Malawi in South-Central Africa. I was visiting a family from our church who, a year ago lived in Birdham and now are involved in some exciting agricultural development work in what is one of the poorest places in the world. As a church we have supported the work this family are doing and it was great to catch a glimpse of it.

I also spent some time visiting Malawian church ministers and we swapped stories of what church life is like. Of course there were many differences; I have never before shaken what was left of the hand of a blind man with leprosy, for example. But even more significant for me were the things we shared in common as church leaders.

Some of my stories or issues of church life in Chichester may have had little or no relevance in Malawi but the truths, which I hold most dearly about the God of the Bible and Jesus, were also their most important truths.

If you visit our church for any more than a few weeks you will quickly find out that we frequently think and pray about other parts of the world. We believe those of us who have much, have a responsibility to those with little. Sometimes one of the healthiest things we can do spiritually is spend some time considering other needs and places.

Ken Benjamin

Swift Facts!

In early summer evenings, flights of swifts wheeling high over Chichester are a regular feature. Their wonderfully wild screaming reveals their whereabouts although they are often scarcely visible to the eye. On other occasions up to a dozen hurtle just above the rooftops, around the City. However, the swifts will only be around in Chichester for another few weeks as by early August, they will be leaving and setting off on their 4000-mile journey back to Africa where they spend their winter. Swifts are amazing birds! Once a young swift leaves its nest and takes its first flight, it may spend the next 2 years on the wing without landing again! Swifts eat, sleep and mate on the wing.

Hopefully by next May, the swifts will be back in Chichester again. Maybe for some there will be a chance to put their feet up and sit on a nest under a roof or a specially designed swift nest box after some 2 years' constant flying - a well earned rest don't you think!

One final swift fact! Before it was discovered that they migrated to Africa, it was thought that they hibernated in the mud at the bottom of lakes!

10 things to do with your children in the summer holidays

  • Cycle the Centurion Way and enjoy some fun at the Park at Lavant.
  • Sign up for Reading Rollercoaster at your local library from 17th July.
  • Make some hands-on discoveries at Chichester Museum in Little London.
  • Have a teddy bears picnic.
  • Join the Xpedition Force Holiday Club at CBC (17-20 Aug).
  • Make a regular 'park and picnic' date with your friends.
  • Sleep outside in the garden one night. Use a tent if you must!
  • Turn your lounge into a cinema, make some popcorn, design the tickets, and hire a video for all the family.
  • Bake cakes and biscuits and/or decorate pizzas and invite your friends round to sample.
  • Write a diary or scrapbook of all the things you have done and seen in the holidays.

What is a service like at CBC like?

If you are not normally a churchgoer, you might well wonder what happens at a typical church service at CBC. Every service is different, but here are some things you might find and some you won't.

As you come through the door you will notice a modern building with a bright, airy atmosphere. You will look around perhaps for symbols of a traditional church - hard pews, men in clerical garments, hushed silence... but will probably feel you have walked in on a big family gathering rather than a religious service.

When the singing begins, it will probably be accompanied by keyboard, guitars, drums and modern instruments. You might recognise a familiar old hymn, but some of the songs will be new to you. Happily you won't have to fumble around with a book to find the right song or hymn as they are all projected on a large screen at the front. After perhaps half an hour of singing, a Bible reading and some prayers, one of the church leaders will stand up and talk. The message will typically last between 20 and 30 minutes, and might include video clips, images and songs. The message will be based on the Bible, and the teaching will be practical and topical.

And at the end, we hope you will feel you have been noticed and welcomed. You are likely to be struck by how informal everything has been, how cheerful and friendly people are.

So, is that your experience of church? If not, why not give it a go? What‘s the worst thing that could happen to you? And what's the best?

Mark Blaney

People you might meet in our church

What do you do?
Film producer.

What is your favourite food?
Probably a take-away, any sort!

How do you best like to chill out?
With Steph my wife and our son Jacob, not doing a great deal.

Which person in the world past or present would you like to meet?
Eric Morecambe — because he made people laugh, an essential ingredient in life.

What is your favourite book in the Bible?
At the moment, it‘s probably Acts in the New Testament because, amongst other things, it talks about the excitement, energy and passion in the early church.

What's your word of wisdom for today?
Never feel intimidated by someone you think is wiser than you — they‘re probably thinking the same about you!

What winds you up?
Arrogant behaviour.

Sum up your life so far in five words
Good start - can do better.

Xpedition Force

'Xpedition Force' is this year's action packed holiday club at Chichester Baptist Church. If you're aged between 5 and 11 years then don't sit around - get signed up for the adventure of a lifetime!

From Tuesday 17th until Friday 20th August our church will be home to an amazing assortment of adventure loving people. And every morning from 9:30am to 12 noon you can join in too.

Meet new friends. Join in the games. Get arty with the craft team. Be thrilled with brain storming quizzes, incredible stories and much, much more!

There's too much to tell you - you've just got to be there!!

Want to join 'Xpedition Force'? Then get an adult to fill in one of our registration forms available from the church office. The week costs just £5 (£10 for a family). Oh, and don't forget our Sunday Special on August 22nd at 10am!

Look forward to seeing you.

The Xpedition Force Team!!

All this and more

Revised: 22 June 2004